Bob mccain • President • Founder

Bob mccain • President • Founder

Since 1986, we have strived to advocate an active outdoor lifestyle. We believe that people are not only happier when spending time outside, but also healthier and more apt to getting other people to do the same. It is our goal to outfit fellow nature lovers so they can enjoy spending time outside in Mississippi, as well as all around the world.

Whether it's someone looking to hike the Appalachian Trail, or someone simply wanting a frisbee to throw  around with their dog, everybody deserves a retailer who actually cares about their customer. Our top priority is to give each and every customer the best experience they can get. Whether it's face to face, over the phone, or over one of our social media sites, we aim to satisfy every customer's need as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

Along with being an important part of your outdoor stories, we seek to give back to the natural world we all love. As a member of the Grassroots Outdoor Alliance, a buying group comprised of independent stores, we’re dedicated to sustaining specialty retail and working in an environmentally conscious manner.

Because we are a privately owned business, we can focus more on building a community, not only of customers, but of fellow adventurers and travelers alike. We hope you come see us!